Bila time-time boring kat opis aku mula search something yang boleh aku baca. Kadang-kadang bila asyik fokus pada keje sahaja otak dah takleh nk 'push to limit' lagi.
Memandangkan usia aku yang makin menginjak 30an package pulak dengan badan yang 'chubby' kata orang, aku suka baca blog2 kesihatan. Macam-macam aku buka untuk motivate diri.
Aku suka baca blog ni, LIVESTRONG.COM. Tujuan aku bukan nak promote blog ni tapi aku just nak share yang info dari blog ni memang berguna buat kita semua.
Dalam blog ni ade share info mengenai yang berikut;
Oleh itu kalau kawan-kawan rasa nak dapatkan info mengenai kesihatan, cuba la baca. Kalau register jadi member, admin blog ni akan send update kat email korang.
Selamat Membaca....
kerana MAN aku menulis .. jika dia pergi dulu semoga allah merahmatinya dunia akhirat
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
How to Shop for Processed Food
Jayson and Mira Calton, authors of “Rich Food Poor Food: The
Ultimate Grocery Purchasing System,” offer a three-step process for
buying processed food at the grocery store.
The billboard is the front of the food package. The Caltons are too polite to call some billboards “a den of lies,” but I’m not. Some billboards are a den of lies.
“Most of the words on those labels never mean what we think they mean,” Mira Calton said. “The word ‘natural’ currently outsells the word ‘organic’ by 2-1, so you see it on labels. But that ‘natural’ food could still have hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, sewage sludge, genetic engineering, modified food starch. High fructose corn syrup is ‘natural.’ ”
This is the part of the label that tells you how much sodium or how many carbs are in each serving. “Unless you’re counting something very specific, such as calories or carbs, it’s not very helpful,” said Calton.
“The ingredients list is the last bastion of hope for the health-conscious consumer,” Calton said. This is where you find out what you’re putting into your body, what’s in the product and how much it’s been processed.
The billboard is the front of the food package. The Caltons are too polite to call some billboards “a den of lies,” but I’m not. Some billboards are a den of lies.
“Most of the words on those labels never mean what we think they mean,” Mira Calton said. “The word ‘natural’ currently outsells the word ‘organic’ by 2-1, so you see it on labels. But that ‘natural’ food could still have hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, sewage sludge, genetic engineering, modified food starch. High fructose corn syrup is ‘natural.’ ”
This is the part of the label that tells you how much sodium or how many carbs are in each serving. “Unless you’re counting something very specific, such as calories or carbs, it’s not very helpful,” said Calton.
“The ingredients list is the last bastion of hope for the health-conscious consumer,” Calton said. This is where you find out what you’re putting into your body, what’s in the product and how much it’s been processed.
Read more:
9 Weight Loss Secrets
1. Track what you eat, and be honest.
1. Track what you eat, and be honest.
2. Enter all your recipes into MyPlate (and tweak them and improve them).
3. Track your breakfast mid-morning, and then "pre-track" what you will eat for lunch and dinner.
4. Always “pre-track" your snacks.
5. If you're still hungry after eating the lunch or dinner you're “supposed” to have, add more veggies.
8. Weigh in weekly.
9. Download the MyPlate mobile app for your Android or iPhone.
6. Before eating out at a restaurant, plan your meal and pre-track it to commit.
7. Track your activity and exercise too.
8. Weigh in weekly.
9. Download the MyPlate mobile app for your Android or iPhone.
Saturday, 4 May 2013
Journey to South...jalan-jalan pru ke 13
Pru13 sudah pun berlangsung, aku bukan fanatik sangat mana mana parti politik, dikiri tidak di kanan tidak. bagi aku dimana disitu aku berpijak disitu langit dijunjung. Walaubagaimanapun aku sendiri boleh menilai mana yang baik mana yang buruk. Malaysia sudah memilih pemimpin, apapun pilhan rakyat Malaysia, moga kita sebagai rakyat dapat hak kita. Bak kata slogan parti pemerintah 'Janji Ditepati'.
Sepanjang musim kempen pru13 berlangsung, aku mengambil kesempatan untuk short vacation, pergi ke melaka dan 'nogori sombilan' menikmati jalan-jalan pru13, banyak bendera parti berkibar dimana-mana, kempen pilihanraya yang sedang berlangsung sengit. Di kawasan biru penuh dengan penimbang, di mana hijau kuat di situ penuh dengan bulan yang mengambang penuh, ada roket ada mata.
Sepanjang musim kempen pru13 berlangsung, aku mengambil kesempatan untuk short vacation, pergi ke melaka dan 'nogori sombilan' menikmati jalan-jalan pru13, banyak bendera parti berkibar dimana-mana, kempen pilihanraya yang sedang berlangsung sengit. Di kawasan biru penuh dengan penimbang, di mana hijau kuat di situ penuh dengan bulan yang mengambang penuh, ada roket ada mata.
Aku nak 'snap' gambar-gambar menarik pun susah nak cari sudut yang sesuai, di mana-mana ada poster-poster bakal-bakal pemimpin dilekatkan dan bendera parti-parti yang bertanding berkibar.
Tapi bukan itu matlamat asal aku, percutian yang tak terancang sebenarnya. Bukan tujuan aku untuk melihat kemeriahan orang-orang berkempen. Bila namaku tidak tercalon didalam senarai rakyat yang boleh mengundi, hatiku sudah tawar. Nak balik kampung malas, melepak di rumah jela pilihan yang aku ada.
Namun kepulangan MAN dari Bumi Kenyalang tepat pada masanya. Jom jalan-jalan katanya. Oleh itu tanpa membuang masa aku terus memohon cuti dan mulakan misi merayau bersama MAN. 4D4N merayau menikmati keindahan alam ciptaan tuhan dan juga panorama ciptaan manusia.
Perjalanan kali ini tidak disibukkan dengan kesesakan lalu lintas dan segala benda. Hotel pun tidak penuh dengan pelancong tempatan seperti aku. Masing-masing sibuk berkempen lupa makan minum dan tidur.
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